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Discover the Work-Based Learning Hub: Your gateway to engaging student talent and forging lasting educational connections. Join us and shape the future workforce through collaborative employer experiences that drive employment initiatives at scale.

Engaging Student Talent

by offering authentic workplace insights

An Insider's Perspective

Showcase your brand's uniqueness and leave a lasting impression on their career.


For showcasing great opportunities
Unlock the corporate world's secrets with our exclusive webinars, giving students an insider's perspective. Showcase your brand's uniqueness and leave a lasting impression on their career choices.
Remarkably, 20% of Shortlist.Me participants explore career opportunities after our engagement. Empower the future workforce now.

For real world preparation

The Employer Experience enhances decision-making and communication skills for students on their professional journey.
Elevate your brand's influence by offering authentic workplace insights, erasing career-choice hurdles, and preparing students for real-world success.

Empower your brand through immersive, career boosting scenarios.

For building interview confidence

Imagine a future where your potential hires exude unwavering confidence in interviews, seeing them as opportunities to shine, not hurdles. Boost student confidence with our digital tools, engaging a diverse range of students, even the hard-to-reach ones.

Empower them to excel in interviews.

What’s included in the Work-Based Learning Hub?

Engaging Situational Judgement Test Activities
Insightful Employer-Led Webinars
Empowering Strengths Assessment Activities


Eager to explore the transformative Work-Based Learning Hub?
Dive in today!